What We Do

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Psychosocial recovery coaching is a form of support that focuses on helping individuals navigate and overcome challenges related to their mental health and overall well-being. This type of coaching incorporates principles from both psychology and social work to address the various aspects of an individual’s life affected by mental health issues.

Key components of psychosocial recovery coaching may include:

Goal Setting

Coaches work with individuals to establish realistic and achievable goals related to their mental health, personal development, and overall life satisfaction.


The coaching process emphasizes empowering individuals to take an active role in their own recovery. This involves building self-confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of control over one's life.

Holistic Approach

Psychosocial recovery coaching takes a holistic approach, recognizing that mental health is interconnected with various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and lifestyle. Coaches may address these different areas to promote overall well-being.

Skill Development

Individuals are supported in developing coping skills, resilience, and strategies to manage stress and challenges effectively. This may include communication skills, problem-solving, and emotional regulation techniques.

Person-Centered Approach

The coaching process is tailored to the individual's unique needs and preferences. The coach collaborates with the client to identify their strengths and values, ensuring that the recovery plan aligns with their personal goals.

Community Integration

Psychosocial recovery coaching often involves helping individuals reconnect with their communities and build supportive social networks. This can be essential for combating social isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

Resource Identification

Coaches assist individuals in identifying and accessing appropriate resources, whether they are mental health services, community programs, or educational opportunities.

It’s important to note that psychosocial recovery coaching is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment. Instead, it complements traditional mental health services by providing additional support in areas such as goal-setting, empowerment, and skill development. Coaches may work in collaboration with mental health professionals to ensure a comprehensive approach to an individual’s well-being.

What is a recovery coach?

A recovery coach is an NDIS funded worker that has mental health knowledge. A recovery coach will:

spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs
help you to find out about different services and supports, and how these can help you
help you get support from mental health services
help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS

You can choose a recovery coach with lived experience.  A recovery coach with lived experience has their own lived experience of mental ill health and recovery and are able to use this experience to inform their work.

Who will get recovery coach funding?

Generally recovery coach will be funded in plans for people with psychosocial support needs. You do not have to choose a recovery coach if you do not want one.

How much does a recovery coach cost?

A recovery coach costs $80.90 an hour in the day time during weekdays. Your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator can give you more information on the cost.

How many hours can I get?

The hours are based on your needs. Your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator will work with you to decide on the number of hours you would need.

I currently have support coordination, how do I get a recovery coach?

You can speak to your support coordinator or contact the NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator to find out how to get a recovery coach.

Can I have both?

For most people we recommend that you only have a recovery coach because it is a better use of your NDIS plan. Depending on your plan or situation you may choose to have both. 

What qualifications do recovery coaches have?

We recommend that the recovery coaches have a minimum of Certificate 4 in Mental Health or Mental Health Peer work or similar training and/or two years’ paid experience in supporting people with mental health challenges.

Some recovery coaches may have other qualifications. It’s always good to ask about the qualifications and experience of your recovery coach.

Where can I find a recovery coach?

Your NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator can help you find a recovery coach.

It is a good idea to talk to two or more recovery coaches before you decide on a recovery coach.

Five important questions to consider when choosing a recovery coach

  1. Are they someone you can get along with and easy to talk to? Are they are good at listening to you?
  2. Do they have a lived experience of mental illness and recovery?
  3. What are their level of qualifications and experience, and ongoing training?
  4. Are they registered or not registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission?
  5. Are they available to support you at times and locations that are suitable to you?

More information is available on the NDIS website.

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Are you ready to see if we can provide the support you need?

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